Life After the Having It All Challenge….

March 7, 2008

My last entry was about the amazing in-person meeting of  our like-minded community. The “challenge” has officially ended, but I choose to see it as morphing into a beginning. The lessons learned were deep and lasting. For six months we were immersed in learning how to shut off the “mind chatter” and negative thoughts that creep into our habits–especially those we didn’t realize we had.

Since that time I’ve been busy putting into action all that I’ve learned, “re-learned”, and reawakened. I am currently transitioning from this blog into a hosted website that allows me a lot more flexibilty  My new home is a work in progress, I’m learning to use the amazing tools I have at my disposal so please bear with me during the construction. 😉

I have to give a special shout out to Joel Comm. He doesn’t know me but I’ve been “following” him since last year. I’ve always been taught to learn from the best of the best. I choose my mentors in life very carefully. They must “walk the talk” and have “been there done that”. They must have integrity and a true passion for what they do.  Joel, like John Assaraf consistently displays this.  In a world where we are innundated with self proclaimed “gurus” in every arena, how do you choose who to trust? If you trust your gut and watch what is said vs what is done, your answer will become clear. Joel’s philosophy to life is in line with mine. What I am striving for in terms of financial succes in a BIG way is about what I can DO with it, where I can make a difference, how I can better serve. THAT is my “big fat why”. Thanks Joel for showing me that my gut was right about you.

Beyond Words

February 4, 2008

Have you ever had an experience that words just can’t adequately describe? That sums up the last few days for me. It was the face to face portion of our Having It All Challenge. We were finally able to meet the people that we’ve spent the last five and a half months with on our community boards and phone calls. Some of them are people that we’ve bared our soul to, others are energetic like-minded people willing to share their successes and challenges and cheer us on in our journey. Most are people that up until now, we have only seen as a snapshot on a personal profile. These last few days, those faces, hopes and dreams have meshed together for an unforgettable event that has surely led to lasting relationships and a lifetime of lessons.

In addition to John Assaraf, we heard two phenomenal speakers –Shore Slocum, and Scott DeMoulin. Shore is the author of “What Makes your Tail Wag”, and an inspirational international speaker considered by many as the trainer of leaders. Scott is well known for his speaking, training and consulting in addition to being part of the Transformational Leadership Council. The energy of this combination is absolutely amazing and without a doubt leaves you knowing that you truly can have it all.

John Assaraf Interview

January 8, 2008

To help you get off to a great start in 2008, I’d like to pass along a gift from John Assaraf. Please go to this site and make the time to listen to the audio. John will guide you into the New year and if you APPLY the information he gives, you’ll begin creating the life of your dreams. Please though, whether it’s John or someone else, TAKE ACTION. Listening to the material will get you no further ahead in life, you must APPLY the knowledge. Knowledge is only power when it is applied.

Planning for 2008

December 20, 2007

How many of you are thinking about New Years Resolutions? This time last year, so was I. This year I can happily say that New Years Resoloutions are a thing of the past for me.  Don’t get me wrong, planning is great, resolving, not so much. As part of our Having it All Challenge, we are heavily into planning mode. 

I already have 2008 planned–without any resolutions. I have GOALS and I am very committed to them. The mindset of resolutions for many is that they are made to be broken. I don’t want to go into another year wondering how long I’ll keep up one new habit or another. I am going into it committed to well thought out plans with a very precise map on how to achieve them.

As I go into 2008, I have my 30, 60 and 90 day goals firmly in place–including very specific action items. My long term goals are also firmly in place with action items. I’ll be reviewing each of these areas to make sure I’m staying on track and will adjust as necessary. I feel armed and ready to forge into 2008 with a clearly defined plan and not the usual fluff that resolutions can be made of.

If you haven’t made it to resolutions or planning yet and are still in holiday shopping mode, please give yourself and someone you care about the gift of Johns step by step guide to the life of your dreams.  “Having It All: Achieving Your Lifes Goals and Dreams” by John Assaraf makes a great gift. Now go get busy and set some goals for a fantastic 2008!

Having It All: Achieving Your Life’s Goals and Dreams

December 3, 2007

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

December 3, 2007

One of the scariest things about joining the challenge was the thought of “putting myself out there”. I am a very private person by nature, yet I would soon be sharing my innermost desires with complete strangers and now here I am blogging to the world about my experience. Why?

To back up for a bit, in general my life is pretty awesome. I’ve been married for fourteen years now to my best friend and biggest supporter. We have two fantastic kids. We live in warm sunny California, and own our own home. I love my job, and have an employer I consider a friend and mentor who is supportive of my quest.

What could have possibly been wrong or have left me feeling so stuck? It all boils down to the name of the challenge—Having It All. I’m 90% of the way there and I fully intend to get it to 100%.

The “All” that I am working towards is my personal contribution to this universe. I know that I am destined for more than what I am doing today. I truly believe that the experiences I’ve had in life have been given to me for a reason and in order for me to feel truly fulfilled, I must find a way to give back using those experiences. Part of that means “putting myself out there” and getting way out of my comfort zone.

John Assaraf interviewed Dr. Joseph Dispenza, author of “Evolve your Brain”. It was a fascinating journey into the human brain and the physical and chemical changes that take place when we change the patterns of our thinking. According to Dr. Dispenza, being uncomfortable as you change your old ways of thinking signifies growth. Well, I’ve definitely grown a lot these last few weeks and now I’m looking forward to the rest of the ride!

Can We Really Have it All?

November 24, 2007

I am currently going into my third month of John Assaraf’s “Having It All” Challenge (HIAC). I hesitate to use the word “program” because it’s so much more than that. It’s a life transforming course comprised of calls, webinars, podferences, guest speakers, seven to eight member mastermind groups and recorded audio interviews.

There are approximately one hundred of us in the challenge and in addition to an abundance of course material; we have access to community forums. Through the forums, we have gotten to know and support each others hopes, dreams and challenges. John is also an active participant in this component.

I joined the challenge when I realized that for the first time in my life I felt “stuck”. I had gotten complacent and let myself fall into a very reactive role in my life, which iss not at all like me, and quite frankly, it scared me into action. I knew of John through his Wall Street Best Seller “The Street Kids Guide to Having It All”, his appearance on the movie “The Secret” and various audio and print interviews. What I am really drawn to is his dedication and passion for neuroscience, quantum physics and their relationship to peak performance.

John was not born into money, had a challenging childhood and is living proof that you can have it all. His six month challenge gives those who are serious about taking control of their life everything they need to succeed.

I am happy to share my journey with you and hope that it will inspire you to take action and start working towards creating your life’s masterpiece!